Volunteer Recruitment: Connecting With Conference Volunteers

Recruiting volunteers for conferences can be challenging but immensely rewarding. Volunteers not only help your events run smoothly but also bring energy, enthusiasm, and fresh perspectives. Those who are passionate, reliable, and committed to doing their best on event day can help you pull off your conference without a hitch.

When it comes to managing conferences, recruiting the right volunteers makes all the difference. However, finding and connecting with these individuals requires a targeted recruitment strategy rooted in effective communication. From streamlining the application process to reaching out to your existing network, every step plays a role in attracting volunteers.

Let’s explore proven strategies that will enhance your volunteer recruitment efforts for your next conference.

Improve The Volunteer Registration Process

A streamlined and user-friendly application process can boost volunteer sign-ups. After all, the easier it is to register to volunteer, the more people will complete the process. Make registration as easy as possible by doing the following:

  • Use an online registration platform that allows volunteers to save their progress and return to complete the form later.
  • Ensure the application form is concise, avoids unnecessary questions, and is mobile-friendly.
  • Offer flexible options, such as various volunteer roles with different time slots to accommodate people’s schedules and preferences.
  • Implement skills-based match-making to match volunteers with roles based on their skills and interests.

After a volunteer signs up, send quick confirmation messages and keep them informed before the event. Also, invite them to ask any questions leading up to the conference to clear up any confusion or ambiguities far in advance.

Promote Your Volunteer Opportunities

For people to sign up for volunteer roles, they have to hear about them first! Promote your open volunteer roles across several channels to reach a broad pool of prospective supporters. Here are some easy ways to use different platforms to bring attention to your volunteer opportunities:

  • Use your association’s website and conference microsite to make your volunteer opportunities easy to find. People who want to get involved with your conference will often check these resources first. List all volunteer opportunities on a dedicated page. Then, add a prominent link to it in your main navigation menu as well as call-to-action buttons on your homepage and relevant sections of your site.
  • Post on social media to bring attention to your conference and its need for volunteers. Use eye-catching visuals from previous events, compelling stories from past volunteers, and clear calls to action to inspire registrations. Then, ask your followers to share your posts with their networks to expand your reach further.
  • Leverage features in your community app like event announcements, push notifications, and discussion groups to keep members informed. You might encourage users who volunteer to join a dedicated volunteer group within your app to receive updates, access resources, and connect with other volunteers. We’ll discuss the role of your event app further later on!
  • Send personalized online invitations to past volunteers or event attendees. Customize the message to remind them of the positive impact they made and invite them to be part of the upcoming conference. Emphasize how their continued involvement can help ensure your conference’s future success.
A woman looks at a personalized event invitation on her smartphone.

In your recruitment messages, promote the benefits of volunteering at your conference. These might include connecting with other professionals, developing new skills, or making a difference in their industry. In some cases, volunteering can also make a great resume addition. Strive to make your conference seem like a can’t-miss event!

Reach Out To Your Existing Network

Your existing network is a goldmine for volunteer recruitment. Engage with current members, past event volunteers, and other supporters who are already familiar with your association.

Anyone who actively participates in your association’s activities is a great fit! These people are likely to devote their time to helping your event and may even need less prep to fully understand their roles than new volunteers.

To create effective volunteer recruitment posts, reach out to repeat volunteers and ask what drives them to participate. Gather insight into what activities will be the most compelling to others who are considering joining your association.

Send personalized emails and messages to your network about your volunteer opportunities. Encourage people to also invite their friends, family, and colleagues to volunteer. After all, word-of-mouth is one of the most impactful marketing strategies, with 88% of people trusting recommendations from loved ones over all other types of marketing.

Getting Attention’s nonprofit marketing guide recommends providing people with free digital event invitations. Supporters can customize these digital greeting cards and send them to people they think would be interested in volunteering at your event.

Talk To Local Businesses

More companies feel a responsibility to support worthwhile causes than ever before. As part of their CSR strategies, modern businesses implement volunteer programs that encourage employees to get out into their communities and do some good.

That’s great news for your association! Reach out to local companies, particularly those you already have relationships with, to ask if they would promote your volunteer opportunities to their employees. Send letters that hit the following points:

  • Overview of Your Association: Introduce your organization, mission, and impact on your industry.
  • Event Details: Provide information about the conference, such as the date, location, and potential impact on the community or industry.
  • Volunteer Request: Explain that your association needs volunteers for its conference, and specify the number of volunteers and specific roles, tasks, or skills needed.
  • Benefits For The Company: Highlight the potential impact on the company, such as positive publicity and team-building opportunities. If the company operates in the same industry, be sure to highlight that.
  • Contact Information: Include your organization’s name, address, phone number, and other relevant contact details so the company can respond to your request.

Before reaching out, make sure you know exactly what you need volunteer help with, so you can promote relevant, skilled opportunities that will entice companies to follow up.

To go above and beyond, follow up with a phone call. This will make the request more personal and show the company you genuinely believe they can help.

Stay Connected By Using An Event App

After you’ve convinced volunteers to register for your conference, stay connected with them to keep them updated and ensure they show up. With an event app like EventMobi, you can enhance the volunteer experience by preparing them for your conference. Here’s how and why an event app can help:

  • An event app serves as a centralized hub where volunteers can access essential information. From schedules and maps to volunteer guidelines and FAQs, having everything in one place eliminates confusion and makes it easy for volunteers to find what they need quickly.
  • Real-time updates keep your volunteers in the loop. Whether there are last-minute schedule changes or new tasks that need to be assigned, an event app allows you to communicate these updates instantly. Push notifications and alerts within the app sent to volunteers ensures they’re aware of all updates.
  • Unique, interactive event agendas for volunteers. Personalized schedules can help them view assigned shifts, ensuring that everyone is in the right place at the right time.
  • Training resources that create a smooth volunteer experience. Use your event app to upload training materials, instructional videos, and other resources that volunteers can access.

By using an event app, you can keep volunteers informed and lower stress levels before and during your conference. This will improve your volunteer experience and make the event run more smoothly!

Reward Volunteers For Their Efforts

Give your volunteers the care and attention they deserve by providing pre-conference training and post-event appreciation. This will result in a rewarding volunteer experience, so they sign up again next time!

Here are some easy ways to give volunteers everything they need to feel valued:

  • Hands-On Training: Provide comprehensive hands-on training sessions where you cover role-specific instructions, emergency procedures, and customer service skills. Training ensures that volunteers feel confident and capable.
  • Industry-Wide Recognition: Recognize volunteers who go above and beyond by acknowledging their contributions in your association’s newsletter, on your website, or in social media posts. Not only will this make volunteers feel valued, but public recognition boosts their reputation in the industry.
  • Networking Opportunities: Facilitate networking opportunities during or after the conference. Organize special events, meet-and-greet sessions, or volunteer-only gatherings where they can connect with industry professionals, speakers, and other volunteers. Networking can be a significant incentive that provides volunteers with valuable contacts and career opportunities.
  • Thank-You Notes: Express your gratitude by sending personalized thank-you notes. For easy deliverability, design fun eCards branded to your association and add a heartfelt appreciation message to each one. eCardWidget’s guide to thank-you emails explains that sending appreciation eCards elevates the traditional email by adding fun visuals. Just be sure to mention specific contributions and the impact of volunteers’ efforts!

Your volunteers support your association, so support them in return! By making them feel prepared and letting them know how their participation helped your association, you’ll be more likely to see them again.

Start Recruiting Volunteers!

Effective volunteer recruitment is the backbone of a successful event. While it takes effort, the right volunteers will enrich your conference with their energy and enthusiasm. After all, they’re the face of your event and shape the attendee experience.

So, start building your recruitment process, and you’ll form a committed, capable volunteer team in no time!